Saturday, December 4, 2010

Weird Penguin

You ever wonder why penguins look so freakin weird?? Well, evolution is part of the reason.  The reason why these cute little creatures have a white lil' belly is all due to camouflage.  When a predator (aka a killer whale or even sea lions!) looks up to the surface of the water, the penguin just blends in! And their lil' flappy wings? Of course they can't fly! But those lil' bugers can swim.  Through out time, their wings have evolved into swimming devices that penetrate the water like a knife to butter! Weird has its advantages or does it?

Although I may have a white belly, I don't consider myself weird looking. Yes there are some weird looking humans, but all in all most are pretty normal in physical appearance.  Humans have a different characteristic that make them weird...their mind!  This afternoon started my "weird penguin" day.  I had just started to come off the high of finding a new apartment to live in and began another high when I began to watch the USC vs. Auburn game for the SEC championship.  And my high school won the South Carolina AA State championship! Fun right? Nope! USC was losing and the room was filled with intensity. I all of a sudden I felt a wave of shear anxiety come across me and as I usually do when this happens...I just stare into space.  My mind then begins to wonder and thats when everything comes at me at once.  Why can't my white belly camouflage me from this?? I think about, mostly, one person.  Sometimes My family.  Sometimes My life. Sometimes My career. Sometimes MY FUTURE. However, mostly one person.  I can't swim away from it like the lil penguin swims away from a big killer whale.  This one person is my killer whale that lies at the bottom of the ocean waiting to emerge when I am vulnerable. I guess it is the mood I am in right now, but whats a blog for ? Penguins probably don't have emotional break downs or go into shock mode when they are intensely and overly stimulated by a football game; however, they do have enemies.  The mind is mine...well the memories are mine.  I don't usually go into emo mode, but today is an exception.

Why can't life be as simple as hunting for food and laying eggs? or sliding on ice and swimming?  Why can't I be an emotionless penguin?

More to come....ending blog with a smiley face :)

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