Monday, December 6, 2010

Clumsy Penguin

Well ever heard of the "Ugly Duckling"? Well that is exactly what I think about when I see a little baby penguin. So ugly and yet so cute ha! When penguins are born, just like any other creature they are a lil clumsy...I mean popping out of an egg, being scrunched in there...of course you are gonna take some tumbles.

Today! I was the clumsy lil penguin.  I am currently seeking employment ( a whole other entry), meaning I have a lot of time on my hands.  So today I decided to wash clothing and watch Harry Potter.  Well I woke up kind of late and had a early lunch of soup and crackers then started my work.  I began to wash clothes.  After the first load , was the second then, the third and so on and so on til' the 7th was finally done.  Oh that 7th load of laundry! I opened up the drier to find a huge pile of white was paper from my pockets and it was everywhere! I got so angry...I really don't know why I was so mad....but so angry that I stormed upstairs.  I fell. Yep...fell. Down Down Down.  It hurt.  Thats not even the start of the and my roommate, Olivia, decided that we were going to light some candles and watch some more Harry Potter.  One of these wonderful scented candles did not have a long enough wick to light so having the great idea to light up a piece of paper towel, Olivia decided to try and attempt to light this candle.  Well, of course, the paper towel took to flame quite easy and fast! Olivia, in a panic, throws the flaming paper towel into a wine glass and throws it in the sink...breaking the glass. Olivia then became the clumsy penguin of the day. That didn't last long.

Later in the evening, we were still watching Harry Potter, after being interrupted by a Skype date. We all of a sudden smell burning wood and plastic.  Hmmm? It was a wicker basket sitting on the mantel.  We had forgotten that one of the candles had burned down too much.  Of course we went into a panic and put it out quickly.  We both then became the dynamic penguin idiots! Just wasn't our day today.  But I ended the day meeting a special person.....hmmmm lets ponder!

I actually was a lil clumsy penguin being born today! I had some stumbles and falls making my way through the day and at the end meeting someone a lil penguin meeting his mom and dad! OH THE IRONY OF PARALLELISM!

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