Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold Penguin Spy

Obvious parallelism! Penguins live in cold weather...not rocket science right?? Not all penguins live in the snow and ice, however.  Some live in warmer climates, actually a lot do! The rule of thumb is with these flightless, lovable creatures is the smaller the bird the warmer the climate in which they inhabit. Fun right?

The account you are about to read is about a huge, fat penguin that woke up in Antarctica! The! house! I had just awaken from a dream that consisted of me and an ice skater that shall remain nameless (and a night in Paris). That isn't the point.  I woke up and as soon as my lil feet hit the floor I immediately froze.  The temperature had dropped to 19 degrees that night and the heat had dropped dead.  Yes! The heater had stopped and I, along with my roommate, woke up to the land of Winterland.  Literally it was below 50 in our house.  So, I quickly tip toe to the water heater and turn it up because I'll be damned if I was going to take the normal luke warm shower.  I turn the water on and hop in to a nice hot shower for the first time in weeks! So, I solved that problem.  I then get dressed and head straight out the door to my roommates work so I could get warm (the blood was getting thick).  However, this is where the story takes a turn...a weird turn.

I walk in the store and I am given a mission.  Mission = spy on the competition (of the store). A "vendor" had set up beside a restaurant in town and decided to compete with my roommate's store. Big mistake! I then became a spy.  Quite fun if I should say so myself.  We followed, identified, stalked and even figured out how their business worked by trying to sell them things.  HaHa! I felt mysterious and weird.

Why weird? Why am I telling you this? Cold, competition, and spying....what do they have in common? As I sit here putting up this post I realized that they do somehow connect together and connect to our black and white birds we love so much.  When I walked up to the vendor's store to "spy", I noticed something.  I noticed what these people looked like.  I noticed that...these people need this....need this money.  Cold and bundled up, they are out there trying to make it.  Whats the connection? Survival is was it is...the connection.  I was cold in my house so I went to the bookstore to get warm.  These people need money so they came to a college town to get books (even if it is a little sketchy).  Penguins swim and hunt in the cold everyday! Survival. I know I may be ranting but this kind of thinking always happens to me during the Christmas season.  The world is a cold, snowy land and we are the cold penguin spies surviving to get by.  Ponder it plz....

I end this post with....Stay warm.

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